University of N. Texas College of Law: For Lawyers Who Want to Do Good

I personally like this a lot. Quite a while ago, I started to think (again) that it would be cool to go to law school, but I was already over 40 and couldn’t realistically take that much time (and money) away to study any time soon. After a while I realized my main motivation was “to go to bat for others,” as the founding dean of UNT Law put it.

It still isn’t a practical career change for me, but I appreciate that younger and less encumbered people will have one more path to pursuing a similar vocation.

There’s a story that Judge Royal Furgeson likes to tell, about a young boy whose brother was killed in an accident with an 18-wheeler. The parents spoke no English, so it fell to the boy to navigate the aftermath. He sought out a lawyer, who shepherded the family through the tragedy. Now, years later, the […]

Source: University of N. Texas College of Law: For Lawyers Who Want to Do Good